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Battle Of Fornovo

The Battle of Fornovo

A Decisive Moment in the Italian Wars

The Battle of Fornovo, fought on 6 July 1495, was a pivotal event in the Italian Wars. It marked the first major engagement between France and the Italian League, and its outcome would shape the course of the conflict.

The battle took place near the town of Fornovo, about 30 kilometers southwest of Parma. The French army, led by King Charles VIII, was returning from Naples after a successful campaign. However, the Italian League, an alliance of Italian states, was determined to block Charles's return to France. The League's army, commanded by Francesco Gonzaga, Marquis of Mantua, was waiting for the French at Fornovo.

The battle began at dawn on 6 July. The French army was larger and better equipped than the Italian army, but the Italians had the advantage of position. They were dug in on a hilltop, and they had artillery support. The French cavalry charged up the hill, but they were unable to break through the Italian lines. The battle raged for several hours, and both sides suffered heavy casualties.

Finally, the French army was forced to retreat. Charles VIII was wounded in the battle, and he was forced to leave Italy. The Italian League had won a major victory, and they had prevented Charles from returning to France. The Battle of Fornovo marked a turning point in the Italian Wars. It showed that the Italian states were capable of uniting against a foreign invader, and it gave them hope that they could eventually expel the French from Italy.
